
Showing posts from April, 2015

from the corridors of evelyn's mind

a couple of days ago i came across the following poem from evelyn amber beltser , and was so moved i simply *had* to translate it: .ככה זה טוב ככה זה טוב - לא פחות ולא יותר יותר, יותר, יותר" - ההד של הקיבעון" - .משוטת במזדרונות של המוח ,אם הייתי בית מלון המזדרונות האלו היו הקומה הסגורה שלי .שהמעליות לא מגיעות עליה .בכל סרט אימה מכובד יש כזאת ,לפעמים אני חושבת שלמרות כל הקירבה אנחנו כל כך מרוחקים שאם התודעות שלנו היו כוכבים עדיין הייתי יושבת פה ומחכה לאור של אחרים להגיע that's good. that's good - no less and no more - "more, more, more" - an echo of fixation sails through the corridors of my brain. if i was a hotel, these corridors would be my sealed floor that the elevators wouldn't reach. every respectable horror movie has one. sometimes i think that despite all the proximity, we are so far away from each other that if our minds were the stars i would still be sitting here waiting for the light of others to arrive.

21 gunmen salute

this just in: newsreel bullet-ins showing mugshots and commemorations while the world passes by on a ticker focus on guns and films of blood hyper-real news to reel you in ... YOU tell ME who just shot up the room and who's shooting up with needles prepared with a "threat level" of "doom" who cares about children with holes punched in their chests when dead-eyed delinquents get their faces in the press the holy grail of fifteen minutes of fame is the press pressuring our youth to show us more of the same if you want to BE, you have to be on tv for which you'd better have blood on your hands so that we can see the apocalypse is on, the four horsemen run the show it's prime time now and they've primed everything to blow we call them illuminati, but it's darkness they spread we believe in our democracies but instead they dictate straight to our heads of state who relate to us through fox and cnn and bbc the true terrorist or...