
Showing posts from April, 2014

golding's narcissus and echo - modernized

source: shakespeare's ovid being arthur golding's translation of the metamorphoses (edited by w.h.d. rouse.) Page 71 The first that of his soothfast wordes had proufe in all the Realme, The first in all the realm to receive proof of the truth of his words Was freckled Lyriop, whom sometime surprised in his streame, Was freckled Lyriop, who was once taken by surprise in Cephisus' waters The floud Cephisus did enforce. This Lady bare a sonne The flood god took her by force, and the lady bore him a son Whose beautie at his verie birth might justly love have wonne. whose beauty from birth justly deserved all love. 430 Narcissus did she call his name. Of whom the Prophet sage She called him Narcissus, and asked the wise Prophet Demaunded if the childe should live to many yeares of age, if the child would live many years, Made aunswere, yea full long, so that him selfe he doe not know. And he answered, Yes, a long life, as long as he does not kn...

introduction to the golden dragon

i have a date with destiny just two days ago i was engulfed in icy winter and i thought i was happy but on sight of her fire my will to fight reignited and the icicles on my eyelids melted and my heart resumed beating beating beating like my wings will when i flap them as they dry and catch fire and i now see the future i'm engulfed in a flame that will leave me in ashes and out of those ashes i will be born me again

the slam

i wrote this piece because i want to make peace with the fact that the act of standing before you must fit with the rhyme scheme and theme that seems to be what we poets call slam i stand up and recite what took many a night to engrave on my brain which to you might seem plain but that's because i accidentally buried the spice and i've got to get you to bite in order to taste it slam a form of poetry where the art is in showing depth on the surface, because you can't press pause, nor silence applause, nor show subtitles or cute diagrams with notes in the margins the only notes i have to share will tell you that i'm a writer, not a singer here i'm forced to wear a heart on my sleeve but what happens i want to touch with the untouchable love with the unlovable so like a lyre bird i mimic all i hear i'm a thief who steals belief by hiding honesty in hospitable-seeming holes and i sing i sing to play the game i sing to be heard i sing a so...